The Famous Rain Problem and the Importance of Mathematical Reasoning Ability

7 min readAug 16, 2024
Photo by Gage Walker on Unsplash

Before starting my mathematics education, rain was a significant natural occurrence for me. Right after the rain had ended, I would run to the streets and put the paper boat my father would make for me on the side of our street where water had collected. My favorite pastime was riding my bike in the rain during university life. I learned to love birds while they were drinking the rainwater in the bucket my grandmother had set up for them. Getting wet in the rain was never a problem in my life. However, I would hide my books in my jacket now and then to not get them wet.

For a long time, rain was just a reason to be happy for me. In my first year in university, however, my mathematics professor asked me a question regarding rain. After that question, rain would become a mathematical equation for me for a while. The problem was simple; who would get more wet, the person walking in the rain or the person running in it?

I remember not approaching this question very mathematically at first. Why would it matter if the person, who had gotten soaking wet already, ran or walked? Besides, everyone on the street was running to get somewhere where the rain would not hit them, anyway. All those people could not be mistaken, and therefore, the answer had to be that the running person got less wet. When…




Math Teacher. Content Curator. Soccer player. Maradona fan. Mostly write about the lectures I love to learn better.