A Beautiful List of 25 Internet’s Most Useful Tools and SitesI have been searching for the best quality content on the internet for years as part of my job. And doing this job always gives me peace…Jan 253Jan 253
Snowflakes Unveiled: A Perfect Blend of Art and Geometry“There was a footpath leading across the fields to New Southgate, and I used to go there alone to watch the sunset and contemplate suicide…Jan 5Jan 5
From Ancient Spectacles to Modern Design: My Glasses’ TaleItalo Calvino tells a poignant and paradoxical tale in “The Adventure of a Nearsighted Man.” The protagonist, Amilcare Carruga, is a man…Dec 20, 20241Dec 20, 20241
Can You Really Only Fold a Paper Seven Times?Everybody has met someone who randomly puts forth a claim like “a piece of paper can only be folded on itself seven times.” Because YouTube…Dec 17, 20241Dec 17, 20241
The Mathematics Behind Art: Beautiful Mathematical Principles in Art from Da Vinci to KandinskyMathematics is art and art makes us happy. Happiness is the moment the jar falls to the ground and breaks for an ant.Dec 12, 20241Dec 12, 20241
The Long Story of the Oldest Math Book: Euclid’s ElementsAs an ordinary mathematics student at university, I found myself deeply fascinated by the proof methods of theorems presented in every…Dec 7, 20242Dec 7, 20242
Infinity in a Twist: Understanding the Möbius StripIt’s fascinating to think about how much of our daily lives are tied to mathematics, a subject that exists solely in our minds. From…Nov 23, 20241Nov 23, 20241
Calculating Justice: How Sherlock Holmes Used Mathematics to Crack a Case?Photo by Rosanne on UnsplashNov 9, 20248Nov 9, 20248
Understanding the Infinity Concept: A Dive into Hilbert’s Infinite Hotel ParadoxWhen I was a child, my parents took me to the beach for the first time. I remember standing on the beach, gazing out into the vast expanse…Nov 2, 202411Nov 2, 202411
The Moving Sofa Problem: 50 Years UnsolvedIt was 1966 when renowned mathematician Leo Moser asked a simple question that completely confused the world of mathematics. Moser likely…Oct 29, 202418Oct 29, 202418