16 Beautiful Math Movies That Everyone Should Watch at Least Once in Their Life
The existential philosopher Merleau Ponty says, “Film is not thought, it is perceived.”
Many people see watching movies as a way to spend time. For example, someone who is down might want to watch a movie to cheer up, or a group of friends coming together might want to terrorize themselves with a horror film for the sake of thrills. For some, however, watching films is beyond the mere mundane experience many perceive it to be. Some always watch in solitude because they want to freely express their emotions in the absence of others who feel they may judge them — crying during a particularly heavy drama or chasing after the culprit alongside the detective in the mystery movie.
Watching a movie should never be seen as a waste of time. In fact, it is an activity that should be conducted once a week, if not once every ten days. That is because the film has the ability to see different thoughts, environments, and cultures in the space of a few hours, which leads to the mind being introduced to new things and maintaining its vitality.
Despite mathematics presenting directors with an overwhelming plethora of topics to depict, there are not many mathematically themed movies. However, some productions cover the subject of many areas of mathematics or the life of…